The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Falconer's Hill Academy

Falconer's Hill Academy is a co-educational school catering for children between ages 7 & 11.


Each class follows a curriculum plan prepared for the year and term ahead.

Year 3

Buttercups - Miss Rogers

Sunflowers - Miss Deighton

This year in Year 3 we will be learning about lots of exciting things. In our Talk for Reading sessions, we will be looking at books such as I am Badger,  Leon and the Place Between, The Promise and The book of Bees. We will be learning how to retrieve information, infer meaning from the text and how to justify our answers using evidence as well as other important comprehension skills.

In our Talk 4 Writing sessions we will look at how to write in a range of genres such as information texts, explanation texts, transformation tales, recounts and warning tales. At the beginning of each new topic we have a hook lesson which is interactive and draws the children into the new genre of writing.

In our Core Knowledge Curriculum sessions we are exploring Ancient Mesopotamia (the cradle of civilisation), the Chang Dynasty, life in Ancient Greece and how the Olympics originated. In geography lessons we will carry out an in depth study of Wales, conduct studies of rivers and coasts and look at the 7 Wonders of the World with a specific focus on The Great Wall of China.

Within our SMSC curriculum we will be learning how to develop self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.  We also wish to empower pupils by encouraging them to accept responsibility for their behaviour and actions therefore contributing positively to those in our school and our society


Year 4

Tulips - Miss Jones

Orchids - Ms Ekstowicz

 In Talk for Reading, we explore a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. These sessions encourage children to understand how to apply the key reading skills of retrieval, inference and justification, vocabulary understanding, predicting, summarising, and considering the authors intent. We will also be encouraging children to find pleasure in reading and challenging them to complete the DRET 30 reading challenge. 

Our Talk for Writing sessions give children the opportunity to study a range of genres, working their way through the stages of imitation, innovation and independent application to deepen their understanding of using literary features to write for different purposes and audiences. 

Maths skills are developed through the teaching of Effective Maths, where children learn to solve both fluency and reasoning mathematical problems across all areas of the mathematics curriculum. 

Our year 4 Core Knowledge Curriculum covers the exciting topics of Ancient Rome, volcanoes, The Byzantine Empire, migration, Islamic civilisation, the Middle East and South America. These topics aim develop children’s skills as geographers and historians, by encouraging them to make connections between historical facts and to understand how ideas cause change. 

In Science, children explore the topics: the human body, sound, states of matter, astronomy, light, and living things and their habitat. They will be encouraged to ask questions; seek answers through studying, and to collect, count and measure and observe. 

In RE, children learn about the religions of Hinduism, Christianity, Humanism and Islam. These topics aim to encourage children to celebrate our difference and the importance of respecting different religious beliefs. 

We follow the Jigsaw curriculum as part of PSHE to help children develop their sense of self-worth, self-esteem and self-believe. It also encourages them to think about their dreams and goals, how to be healthy and understand different relationships in their lives. 

Art and design technology will alternate each half term and will support children to develop their creative side through the teaching of specific art skills and providing children with exciting criticality and further writing opportunities. 

Each week children will enjoy developing their athletic ability through focussed PE lessons that support children to develop confidence and challenge children to extend their comfort zone. 

We enrich our curriculum with daily singing opportunities, weekly Latin lessons and computing lessons to show children how to safely use computers and develop their skills in this important subject.


Year 5

Foxglove - Miss Chowdhry

Peonies - Miss Randall

In Talk for Reading, we explore a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. These sessions encourage children to understand how to apply the key reading skills of retrieval, inference and justification, vocabulary understanding, predicting, summarising, and considering the author's intent. Our Talk for Writing sessions give children the opportunity to study a range of genres, working their way through the stages of imitation, innovation and independent application to deepen their understanding of using literary features to write for different purposes and audiences. We encourage children to take ownership of their own independent work and to showcase their abilities in their writing.

We follow the Effective Maths programme when teaching mathematics, focusing on mastery. The children will work through a range of topics which will engage and challenge them. They will work on reasoning style questions, fluency , arithmetics and times tables.

Our year 5 Core Knowledge Curriculum covers the exciting topics in History such as The Early Civilisation in the Americas, Anglo-Saxons, The Vikings. In Geography we will explore topics including Rainforests, Eco-tourism, Cities and Rivers and Agriculture. These topics aim to develop children’s skills as geographers and historians, by encouraging them to make connections between historical facts and to understand how ideas cause change.  We prides ourselves on being able to offer variation in our lessons through group work, roleplay and independent application.

In Science, children explore the topics: the human body, rocks and soil, electricity, light, evolution and inheritance and environmental science. They will be encouraged to ask questions; seek answers through studying, and to collect, count and measure and observe.  We also  prepare different  experiments  for the children to take part in so they are fully immersed in their learning.

In RE, children learn about the religions of Christianity, Sikhism and Hinduism in more depth. These topics aim to encourage children to celebrate our differences and the importance of respecting different religious beliefs. 

We follow the Jigsaw curriculum as part of PSHE to help children develop their sense of self-worth, self-esteem and self-believe. It also encourages them to think about their dreams and goals, how to be healthy and understand different relationships in their lives. PSHE allows children to gain the skills needed to be able to live a happy and fulfilled life.

Our curriculum is also enriched with computing, DT, PE,  Music, Latin and Art.  Each of these lessons allow children to explore what they enjoy and be able to experiment with their ideas.


Year 6

Cosmos - Mrs Young and Miss Harman

Daffodils - Miss Nash

As this is their last year before moving on to secondary school, we will make sure that the Year 6 children at Falconer’s Hill are prepared for their transition, emotionally and academically.

Part of their school year will be taking the statutory end of Key Stage 2 assessments - the SATs - and we will work hard to make sure that they are ready to sit them confidently and leave our school ready for Year 7.

We follow the Effective Maths programme when teaching mathematics, focusing on mastery. In our first term, the areas we will focus on will be Place Value and the four operations. In readiness for the end of key stage tests (SATs) there will be additional focus on arithmetic. The arithmetic paper will be the key paper in May, so times table knowledge and mental agility will be key areas of focus.

As with the rest of the school, we use Talk for Writing and Talk for Reading to deliver the English curriculum. This means that we use high quality model texts to study different genres and writing styles. Some of the Talk for Writing units we will be exploring are: Information text; meeting tale and a suspense story with a flashback. In Talk for Reading we will explore many different texts such as: Mortal Engines; Orange in No Man’s Land and Clockwork. Our aim is to engender a lifelong love of reading in all our students.

Our Science, History and Geography curriculum is structured carefully so that students are not only constantly exposed to new knowledge, but frequently revisit old knowledge to ensure that new ideas can be built upon the understanding of earlier ones. We will cover topics such as: Migration Through Time; World War 2; Tropical Rainforests; Tectonic Hazards; Life Cycles and Forces 

The RE topics to be covered this academic year will research key aspects of some of the major religions in Britain today. These include: Christianity; Judaism; Sikhism; Buddhism and Islam. The children will draw upon several key themes, such as the similarities and differences between these religions; the importance of respecting and accepting the beliefs and values of other people and how we can work together to ensure that the society we live in is a harmonious one.

In Art we are studying the work of Roy Lichtenstein and Paul Nash. In Design Technology we will be celebrating culture and seasonality; creating complex switches and using computer aided design.
